Technical data

Structure of
this Guide
The guide contains five chapters, as follows:
Chapter Content
1 Options you can upgrade; preparing the VAXstation
3100 system.
2 Removing options from the Model 30 and 38.
3 Removing options from the Model 40 and 48.
4 Removing options from the Model 76.
5 Installing the VAXstation 4000 system; returning the
VAXstation 3100 system.
Used in this
The following conventions are used in this guide:
Convention Meaning
A key name enclosed in a box indicates that
you press that key.
italic type Italic type emphasizes important
information, indicates variables, and
indicates complete titles of manuals.
UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command.
RZ2x A lowercase italic x indicates a variable
model number.
CAUTION Cautions indicate information that prevents
damage to equipment or software. Read
cautions carefully.
NOTE Notes provide general information about the
current topic.