Technical data

A.2.5 System Device Self-Test Error Codes
The system device self-test produces the error messages in the following table:
Table A–8 System Device Self-Test Error Codes
Decimal Hexadecimal Meaning
2 2 System ROM has failed
128 80 Invalidate filter RAM error
256 100 ROM illegal data path value
512 200 ROM checksum error
768 300 ROM manufacturing check data error
1024 400 ROM index number did not agree with
If the invalidate filter RAM error occurs, an extended error message displays.
Enter the SHOW ERROR command to view the extended error information.
The extended error code format is shown in the following example.
Extended Error Format:
This format displays when there is an invalidate filter RAM error.
001 0010 aaaaaaaa rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee
Code Meaning
001 FRU number (system board)
0010 Format number
aaaaaaaa Failing invalidate filter address
rrrrrrrr Data read
eeeeeeee Data expected
A.2.6 SCSI Self-Test Error Codes
The SCSI self-test produces the error messages in the following table:
Interpreting Error Codes A–13