Technical data

Extended Error Format 000B:
This format is used by the register test.
001 000B aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc
Code Meaning
aaaaaaaa Error code
bbbbbbbb Address of the register or location being accessed
cccccccc Information about the error
Extended Error Format 000C:
This format is used by the interrupt test.
001 000C aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd eeeeeeee ffffffff
Code Meaning
aaaaaaaa Error code
bbbbbbbb Information about the error
cccccccc Contents of interrupt mask register
dddddddd Contents of interrupt request register
eeeeeeee Contents of controller status register
ffffffff Contents of the controller interrupt register
Extended Error Format 000D:
This format is used when not enough data are returned to the self-test after a
SCSI command is executed.
aaa 000D bbbbcccc ddddeeee ffffgggg hhhhhhhh
Code Meaning
aaa FRU
bbbb Logical unit number
cccc Device ID
dddd Actual command opcode
eeee Current command opcode
A–16 Interpreting Error Codes