Technical data

Extended Error Format 000F:
This format is used when the status phase returns a bad status, or when a bad
sense key is seen after a request sense.
aaa 000F bbbbcccc ddddeeee ffffgggg hhhhiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk
Code Meaning
aaa FRU
bbbb Logical unit number
cccc Device ID
dddd Actual command opcode
eeee Current command opcode
ffff Error code
gggg Mode of operation
hhhh Byte 14 of the request sense packet (device FRU)
iiii Information about the error
jjjjjjjj Status byte returned in the status phase
kkkkkkkk Request sense key
Refer to Table A–10.
Extended Error Format 0010:
This format is used when a request sense command is executed, but not enough
sense bytes are received.
aaa 0010 bbbbcccc ddddeeee ffffgggg hhhhiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk
Code Meaning
aaa FRU
bbbb Logical unit number
cccc Device ID
dddd Actual command opcode
eeee Current command opcode
ffff Error code
gggg Mode of operation
A–18 Interpreting Error Codes