Technical data

Extended Error Format 000C:
This format is used when there is a network address ROM test pattern error.
0001 000C aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc
Code Meaning
aaaaaaaa Base address of the network address ROM test pattern
bbbbbbbb First four bytes of the test patterns
cccccccc Last four bytes of the test patterns
Extended Error Format 000D:
This format is used when there is an initialization error.
0001 000D 0000aaaa bbbbbbbb 0000cccc dddddddd eeeeeeee
Code Meaning
aaaa Actual value of the LANCE CSR0
bbbbbbbb Physical address of the initialization block
cccc Initialization block mode
dddddddd Upper longword of the logical address filter
eeeeeeee Lower longword of the logical address filter
Extended Error Format 000E:
This format is used when there is a transmit error.
0001 000E 0000aaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd
Code Meaning
aaaa Actual value of LANCE CSR0
bbbbbbbb Physical address of the current transmit descriptor
cccccccc First longword of the transmit descriptor
dddddddd Second longword of the transmit descriptor
A–78 Interpreting Error Codes