Technical data

Model 60 Note
If the graphics option fails, the system may not give you a console error
message. In this case you must use the error LEDs on the lights and
switches module to isolate the fault.
B.6 SPXg and SPXgt Graphics LED Codes
Table B–4 lists the LED codes for the SPXg and SPXgt graphics modules.
Table B–4 SPXg and SPXgt Graphics LED Codes (0010 XXXX)
LED Depiction
Code Description FRU
0010 0001 21h JChip/SRAM test has failed System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
0010 0010 22h i860/ScanProc/Frame Buffer test
has failed
System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
0010 0011 23h ScanProc drawing operations
test has failed
System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
0010 0100 24h Stream transfer test has failed System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
0010 0101 25h OTF and normal DMA tests
have failed
System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
0010 0110 26h RAMDAC operations test has
System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
0010 0111 27h Interrupts test has failed System module, frame
buffer module, GSP
In this column, 1 indicates the LED is on; 0 indicates the LED is off.
Reading the Diagnostic LED Codes B–5