Technical data

NI utilities, 2–36, 2–37
entity-based module (EBM), 2–37
NI listener, 2–37
NVR self-test, 2–12
console, 3–10
features, 3–10
Power supply
specifications, 1–10
voltage, 1–7
Power-up self-test
alternate console switch, 2–2
fatal error before initialization, 2–2
HALT command, 2–3
overview, 2–2
unsuccessful power-up, 2–3
Printer port console, 3–18
Processor control
commands, 3–2, 3–16
error codes
information values, A–22
mode values, A–25
self-test error codes, A–13
SCSI information values, A–26
SCSI self-test, 2–20
SCSI system test, 2–30
data transfer test, 2–31
device test, 2–31
inquiries test, 2–31
setup notes, 2–30
size bus test, 2–31
summary notes, 2–32
summary screen, 2–31
SCSI system test (Model 60 only)
error codes, A–27
summary screen, A–29
SCSI utilities, 2–38
error messages, A–26
SCSI utilities (cont’d)
guidelines, 2–42
invoking, 2–39
menu example, 2–40
AUD, 2–21
CACHE, 2–16
COMM, 2–21
device test syntax rules, 2–11
one device, 2–11
range of devices, 2–11
run continuously, 2–11
run multiple device tests, 2–11
separate individual tests, 2–11
DZ, 2–14
FPU, 2–17
graphics, 2–13
IT, 2–17
list of devices, 2–10
MEM, 2–16
NI, 2–18
SCSI, 2–20
setup, 2–8
SYS, 2–18
TCA, 2–22
TOY/NVR, 2–12
SHOW ERROR command, A–2
power supply, 1–10
SPXg and SPXgt graphics module
failing functional blocks, A–64
FRU codes, A–63
self-test error codes, A–63
Sync comm test
see Synchronous communication self-test,
Synchronous communication module
removal/replacement hints, 4–13
Synchronous communication self-test, 2–21
System box
control panel, 1–10
I/O connectors, 1–12
internal cabling, 1–10
overview, 1–2