Technical data

Table 2–5 lists the tests that are included in the graphics self-test.
Table 2–5 Graphics Self-Test (2)
Self-Test Function
Video test Tests the VRAM cache memory and the communication between the
S-chip and VRAM.
Initializes the Brooktree and sets up the video screen.
Sets up the video registers in the S-chip.
Register test Uses the longword format to read/write test all graphics S-chip
FIFO test Creates a FIFO and clip list in the contiguous physical memory and
tests setup packets, int/status bits, put/get pointers, FIFO and clip
control flags, FIFO status bits. Makes sure that the FIFO can be
AG test Calls all of the graphics address generator specific self-test routines.
These routines test the drawing functions, logic unit functions, and
glyph functions.
Mode test
Calls all the graphics virtual drawing specific self-test routines.
Refer to Section A.2.20 for a list of the LCG self-test error codes and to
Section B.5 for a list of the LCG diagnostic LED codes.
2.8.3 DZ Self-Test (T 3)
Setup Notes:
The DZ interrupt test fails in the Digital Services or manufacturing
environments if no external loopbacks are present on the communication
The pointing device test fails if the pointing device is not plugged in and
the console is a video device.
When you are in the Digital Services or manufacturing environments,
loopbacks must be used on the standard communications port.
2–14 Diagnostic Testing