Technical data

2.12.5 Graphics Utilities
The graphics utilities provide ten screens of color bars and geometric programs.
Refer to Example 2–9 for a description of the ten screen utilities. The graphics
utilities apply to the LCG, SPXg, SPXgt, and graphics/audio frame buffer
graphics modules.
The following table describes how to use and exit the LCG utility:
Function Procedure
Enter the LCG utility. Enter the TEST/UTIL LCG command at the console
prompt (>>>).
Display a screen. Enter a command number at the
LCG_util >>> prompt.
Go back to the LCG menu. Press the space bar.
Go back to the LCG menu
and clear the screen.
Ctrl C
Exit the LCG utility. Press
Ctrl Y
while a pattern is active.
Graphics Utility Menu
Example 2–9 shows the LCG utilities menu.
Example 2–9 LCG Utilities Menu
0 - LCG-wh-scrn !White screen
1 - LCG-rd-scrn !Red screen
2 - LCG-bl-scrn !Blue screen
3 - LCG-gr-scrn !Green screen
4 - LCG-4c-cbar !4 color bars
5 - LCG-8c-cbar !8 color bars
6 - LCG-8g-gscl !8 gray scale bars
7 - LCG-ee-scrn !Screen of EEs
8 - LCG-ci-xhct !Cross hatch with circle
9 - LCG-sc-hhhs !Screen of scrolling HHs
LCG_util >>> !LCG utility prompt
2.12.6 Network Interconnect (NI) Utilities
The NI utilities are invoked by SET or SHOW commands, not by the
TEST/UTIL command. The following table describes the NI utility functions:
2–36 Diagnostic Testing