Technical data

Table 3–4 DEPOSIT Command Qualifiers
Qualifier Description
Data Size
/B Byte (8 bits)
/W Word (16 bits)
/L Longword (32 bits)
/Q Quadword (64 bits)
Address Space
/V Virtual memory
/P Physical memory
/I Internal processor register
/G General purpose register
/M Machine register
Range of Addresses
/N:X Specifies that the X+1 locations be written with the value specified by DATA
/U Unprotects a protected memory location. An example of a protected area is
the memory that the console uses.
The data values must be given in hexadecimal format.
The address specifies the address (or first address) to be written.
The following example of the DEPOSIT command writes the value 01234567
(data to be deposited) into 6 longword locations starting at address 00100000.
>>> DEPOSIT/P/N:5 00100000 01234567
P 00100000 01234567
P 00100004 01234567
P 00100008 01234567
P 0010000C 01234567
P 00100010 01234567
P 00100014 01234567
Using the Console 3–13