Technical data

3.2 Alternate Consoles
The VAXstation 4000 Model 60 and VLC systems provide two ways to use
alternate consoles if the graphics subsystem fails. Console commands may be
entered on a terminal connected to the printer port of the workstation or from
a network connection to the Ethernet port. The two alternate consoles, printer
port consoles and network consoles, are described in the following sections.
3.2.1 Printer Port Console
To access the printer port console verify that:
The baud rate of the terminal connected to the printer port is set at 9600
The alternate console switch (S3) is up.
S2 on the Model 60 is located on the front panel.
S3 on the VLC is located on the rear right side of the system box.
The state of the alternate console switch is read only at power-up.
Changing the switch setting when the system is powering up has no
effect until the system box is powered down and then up.
3.2.2 Network Console
The system console can also be accessed from the network. The network
console allows you to remotely troubleshoot the system or provide a console
when the other consoles are not available.
Some console tests and commands cause the network connection to be
terminated because the commands use the network device, or they cause a
connection timeout at the remote node.
Caution: Do Not Run the Memory Test
Do not run the memory test. It causes the console to hang up and you
will have to power down the system.
3–18 Using the Console