User's Manual

within 10 seconds, the horn will honk twice to confirm. Repeat the operation to enable this function, the
horn will honk once to confirm
16. Door-Not-Closed Reminder Function
Leaving the iKey sensing range with the doors open or ajar will trigger the Door Not Closed Reminder.
Vehicle will chirp the horn and flash the parking lights twice to warn the driver that one or more doors are
not closed. The system will remind the driver 3 times in total. If doors remain open after the warning,
system will lock the doors regardless. Parking lights will continue to flash for additional two (2) minutes
however, vehicle will be armed and the engine start will be disabled.
To disable/enable this function: with door open, switch ignition to ACC, depress and hold brake pedal then
press and hold the TRUNK button and UNLOCK button together for 2 seconds until horn honks. Vehicle
will honk once if function is enabled or twice if disabled.
17. Dome Light Delay (The default setting is OFF)
This function is for vehicles with dome light delay. If dome light delay function is enabled, the doors will arm
30 seconds later after locking. If there is any door not closed 30 seconds after locking, the Door Not
Closed Reminder Function will be triggered.
Dome light delay function can be enabled/disabled via DP5 on DIP5.
DP5 in UP position (OFF), dome light delay is disabled.
DP5 in DOWN position (ON), with 30-second dome light delay.
18. Key-Not-Fund Reminder (If iKey leaves sensing range with vehicle running)
If vehicle door is open-then-closed while vehicle is running it will trigger the system to search for the iKey
for 6 seconds the next time the brake is applied. Vehicle will do nothing if iKey is found. If the iKey is not
located, vehicle will chirp the horn and flash the parking lights twice. This is to remind the current driver
that the iKey is no longer detected and if need needs to be present in the vehicle before it is driven to
another location. Without the iKey, once the vehicle is turned off it will not be able to start again. However
the bypass transponder could be used for START in this case.
To disable/enable this function: with door open, switch ignition to ACC, depress and hold brake pedal then
press and hold the TRUNK button and LOCK button together for 2 seconds until horn honks. Vehicle will
honk once if function is enabled or twice if disabled.
19. Alarm Shock Sensor
Any impact to your car while armed will trigger the shock sensor to respond. Depending on the severity of
the shock, the system can react to a full shock by triggering the alarm function (horn sounds and parking
lights flash for 30 seconds) or it responds to a lighter shock (30% of the strength of a full shock) and giving
a warn-away alarm by honk and flash parking lights 5 times. To acknowledge and stop a shock triggered
alarm, approach the vehicle with the iKey or press LOCK or UNLOCK button.
20. Auxiliary Output Function
With ignition OFF:
Press TRUNK button first then press UNLOCK button to activate the AUX 1 for 2 seconds.
Press TRUNK button first then press LOCK button to activate the AUX 2 for 2 seconds.