User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Digital Monitoring Products XT30/XT50 Installation Guide
2.1 System Congurations
The panel can be programmed to operate as any of the following system types:
• All/Perimetersystemthatprovidesoneperimeterareaandoneinteriorarea
• Home/Sleep/Awaysystemthatprovidesoneperimeter,oneinterior,andonebedroomarea.The
bedroom area provides for any protection devices the user wants disarmed during their sleeping hours
and armed in the Away mode.
• Sixareasystemthatprovidesareasofprotectionthatcanbeindependentlyarmedordisarmed.
2.2 Caution Notes
completely read and understand its information. Failing to follow the caution note can cause damage to the
equipment or improper operation of one or more components in the system. See the example shown below.
Always ground the panel before applying power to any devices: The panel must be properly grounded
before connecting any devices or applying power to the panel. Proper grounding protects against
Remove All Power From the Panel! Remove all AC and Battery power from the panel before installing or
connecting any modules, cards, or wires to the panel.
2.3 Compliance Instructions
guide for additional instructions.
System Components
3.1 Wiring Diagram
The system wiring diagram in Figure 1 shows some of the accessory devices for use in various applications. A
description of each module follows.
3.2 Lightning Protection
output circuits. This transient protection provides additional resistance to electrical surges such as lighting.