Installation Guide

Section 2.3: Changing Other NT9010 Functions
4 digit account number [4079] - program [4A79]
5. When programming reporting codes two digits must be entered. If one digit
reporting codes are to be used the second digit must be programmed as a ‘0’. If
a ‘0’ is to be transmitted substitute the HEX digit ‘A’ for the ‘0’. Examples:
1 digit reporting code [3] - program [30]
2 digit reporting code [30] - program [3A]
6. To prevent the system from reporting an event, program the reporting code for
the event as [00] or [FF].
1600Hz/Standard Handshake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [702], Option [4]
Contact ID
Contact ID is a specialized format that will communicate information quickly using
tones rather than pulses. In addition to sending information more quickly the for-
mat also allows more information to be sent. For example, rather than reporting an
alarm zone 1 the Contact ID format can also report the type of alarm, such as
Entry/Exit alarm zone 1.
If Contact ID Sends Automatic Reporting Codes is selected, the system will
automatically generate a reporting code for each event. These identifiers are listed
in Appendix A. If the Automatic Contact ID option is not selected, reporting codes
must be programmed. The 2-digit entry determines the type of alarm. The system
will automatically generate all other information, including the zone number.
If the Automatic Contact ID option is selected, the system will
automatically generate all zone and access code numbers, eliminating the
need to program these items.
Regardless of the zone type programmed, the system will report
all zones as burglary zones when Automatic Contact ID is selected. If you
need to report other zone types, you must use Programmed Contact ID
reporting codes.
The zone number for Zone Low Battery and Zone Fault events will
not be identified when Programmed Contact ID is used.
If the Contact ID uses Automatic Reporting Codes option is enabled, the sys-
tem will operate as follows:
1. If an event’s reporting code is programmed as [00], the system will not attempt
to call the central station.
2. If the reporting code for an event is programmed as anything from [01] to [FF],
the system will automatically generate the zone or access code number. See
Appendix A for a list of the codes which will be transmitted.
If the Contact ID uses Programmed Reporting Codes option is enabled, the
system will operate as follows:
1. If an event’s reporting code is programmed as [00] or [FF], the system will not
attempt to call central station.
2. If the reporting code for an event is programmed as anything from [01] to [FE],
the system will send the programmed reporting code.