
Net-2000™ VCU Users Manual
Version 4.0, December, 2013
000™-VCU Installation
2.4.1 Power On Switch
The Net-2000™-VCU’s power is turned ON /Off through the switch on the left side of the front panel. Press the top
of the switch (I) to turn ON. Press the bottom of the switch (0) to turn OFF. When powering off the unit always
wait a few seconds before turning the unit back on.
2.5 Initial Set-up – (RS-232 Serial Connection)
The RS-232 interface is used for command line style set-up. It is used when the Net-2000™-VCU is installed on a
network where there is no DHCP Server or when the user wants to customize the network configuration.
Serial Port Settings
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Table 2 Serial Port Terminal Set-up
The Ethernet MAC address and default hostname of the VCU is derived from the serial number of the VCU. The
MAC address will begin with 00:01:FD followed by the last six digits of the serial number. The hostname is
NET2K followed by the last four digits of the serial number. For example, if the last six digits of the serial number
are 301234, the MAC address is 00:01:FD:30:12:34 and the hostname is NET2K1234.
When no DHCP server is available on a LAN the VCU’s RS-232 serial port can be used as a console terminal for
low-level network setup. With the serial cable connected and the terminal running type a few carriage returns from
the PC’s keyboard. The Net-2000™-VCU will respond with the console prompt as shown below:
At the adsh prompt the VCU’s network settings can be configured or changed using the terminal console command
“network” as follows:
adsh>network [-dhcp] [-h hostname] [-w workgroup] [-i ipaddress] [-m netmask] [-g gateway] [-n nameserver][-d
The arguments to the network command are described below:
Arguments Use Result
-dhcp when DHCP is available on LAN DHCP is enabled
-h Sets the hostname of the VCU
Sets the Windows workgroup of the VCU
-i Sets the static IP address
-m Sets the IP address of the netmask
-g Sets the IP address of the gateway
-n Sets the IP address of the nameserver
use only when DHCP is disabled
Sets the domain name of the VCU.
Table 3 DHCP Set-up command Arguments
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