User Manual

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DW Spectrum User Manual
Digital Watchdog
To save and restore connection details:
If current connection details are used, press Save and create a connection name to store, which will
appear in the drop-down list next time a user logs in.
To delete details of a stored connection, select it from the drop-down list and press Delete.
If the last connection was not properly saved, the software will use its connection data from the next
launch (* Last Used Connection *).
Note: passwords are not stored in saved connection details.
To log out, go to Main Menu and choose Logout.
If Client is not connected to Enterprise Controller, a user can only access Local Files (see Playing Back
Local Files in DW Spectrum”).
To connect to a different EC under a different user, open the login window and enter new EC coordinates
or login credentials. If canceled, the current user will still be connected to Enterprise Controller.