User Manual

User Manual | 26
4.1 System
4.1.1. Information
Site name: Enter a site name to differentiate the DVR from other sites.
Keyboard ID: Setup SITE ID to match the ID settings of a keyboard controller. Keyboard
model and BUAD RATE must be setup in MENU > DEVICE > KEYBOARD (See section
4.2.5 Keyboard).
Remote ID: User must setup REMOTE ID to match with the ID setting of IR remote
controller, if user wants to use it to control DVR.
Date / time: Using the available options, manually adjust the date and time, select the
display mode for the time and the date, and select the appropriate time zone. If
applicable, check the “USE DST” box.
There are three types of time sync mode.
Server mode: The operating DVR is set as a time sync server, which can synchronize the
time other DVR(s) connected over the same network.
Client mode: Input the IP address of a designated DVR or PC running remote software
as a time sync server in “SYNC SERVER”. The DVR’s time clock will be synchronized
with the server by interval time set in “TIME SYNC CYCLE”.
NTP client mode: “” is the recommended NTP server. To activate, set the
TIME ZONE of your local area and then click [SYNC NOW]. For DST setting, see section
3.6 DST Time Setting.
Language: Select the display language from the available options.