User Manual

45 | VMAX A1 Plus™ DVR
for video recorded by instant recording.
Record 1fps continuous with “CONT+” mode: Check the box to set continuous recording
to 1FPS when selecting “continuous + xx” modes.
Limit emergency recording time: Set a limit to how long the system will record in
emergency recording mode. Select from 30sec/60sec/90sec/2min/5min/10min.
4.4.4. Quick Setup
User can setup whole channel’s recording setting and second stream at once.
User can setup recording resolution, FPS, quality and mode on recording settings.
And user can also setup network resolution, FPS. Quality and audio on second stream setting.
4.5 Network
DVR can be connected to the network or internet through either fixed IP or dynamic IP by
proper setting of the DVR and router.
4.5.1. Network