User`s guide

Using the Administrative Interface 7-3
When, as a result of a command, more than one screen-full of text is to be printed, you
may continue to scroll or stop the process:
SYS_console> ip
IP related commands
get-ip show current IP address
set-ip set IP address
get-ip-cfg show current IP configuration
set-ip-cfg set IP address , netmask and broadcast
clear-ip-cfg clears the NVRAM based IP configuration
set-slip set slip IP address
get-slip get slip IP address
get-slip-cfg show current IP configuration
set-slip-cfg set IP address , netmask and broadcast
get-gatew show default gateway
set-gatew define default gateway
get-arp-tbl display the ARP table
del-arp-entry deletes an entry/all entries(*) of the ARP table
add-arp-entry add an entry to the ARP table
get-bootp retrieves the state of the BOOTP process
set-bootp enables or disables the BOOTP process
ping IP traffic generator
ping-stop stop the ping process
Hit any key for more... (type 'q' to quit)
SYS_console> _
Finally, you may press <Tab> to see the list of commands that start with the text you
already typed, for example:
SYS_console> get-c
Commands matching <get-c>
get-comm show current read or/and write community
get-con-matrix retrieves the VLAN connectivity matrix
get-colls-cnt gets the collision dist. counters per port
Administrative Interface Command Structure
The Administrative Interface has several categories of commands:
Console commands: help, banner, serial line setup, console parameters setup
System commands: system status, reset commands, download commands, system
debug commands, initialize the NVRAM with defaults
IP commands: parameter setup, parameter and information display
SNMP agent commands: parameter setup, management and traps options