Owner`s manual

9. Press the LOAD/REWIND switch. While loading, the Load/Rewind
indicator flashes and the message LOADING appears on the al-
phanumeric display. The Write-Enable indicator also lights if a write-
enable ring is installed. When loading finishes, the tape’s density
message appears if it has data recorded on it.
If the manual load was successful, the LOAD/REWIND indicator
flashes and a message appears in the alphanumeric display.
10. Return the drive to the normal operating position.
3.6.2 Loading High-Static Tape
Use the following procedure to load tapes that cannot be autoloaded
due to static cling. The message MAN PEEL is displayed when high-
static tapes cannot be loaded. (Pressing the UNLOAD switch causes
the message TAPE STUCK to appear. Pressing the UNLOAD switch a
second time clears the message.)
1. Open the front door (see Figure 2–1) by gently pressing down on the
center of the door.
2. Rotate the tape reel counterclockwise until the end of the tape leader
can be seen.
3. Pull the end of the tape away from the reel and place it in the air
stream inside the right side of the front panel opening.
4. When the end of the tape is drawn into the air stream, close the front
door and press the LOAD switch. The tape should now autoload.
If after several attempts the tape cannot be autoloaded using this
procedure, try the Manual Load procedure.
3.7 Unloading Tape Automatically
Use the following procedure to unload tape automatically.
1. Check that the On-line indicator is off (if not, press the ONLINE
switch) and that the front door is closed. If the ONLINE switch is
pressed, buffered commands are synchronized. Synchronization is a
process that writes all data from the buffer to tape before executing
the next command.
3–14 Operation