Technical data

5.4.16 Packer Arm
To remove the packer arm, refer to Figure 5–19 and proceed as follows:
1. Remove the read/write formatter circuit board (refer to Section 5.4.9).
2. Remove the grip ring and wave washer .
3. Remove the packer arm from the deck plate by pulling it upward.
4. Check whether the upper bearing and lower bearing are damaged. Replace if
To replace the packer arm, follow the removal procedure in reverse order. When replacing the
packer arm, adjust the grip ring on the packer arm shaft until the wavewasher is compressed
to approximately 50%. If either bearing ( or ) needs to be replaced, apply Loctite 601 (P/N
90-09321-00) to the outside of the bearing where it contacts the deck plate before installing
the new bearing.
Figure 5–19: Removing the Packer Arm
Removal/Replacement Procedures 5–31