Technical data

Chapter 4
This chapter provides the following:
A description of the self-diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities designed into the
TSZ07 Tape Drive
An explanation of how tape processing errors and tape drive faults are reported and how
to use the diagnostic aids (referred to as service aids) resident in the TSZ07 firmware
A list of error recovery procedures
External diagnostics should be run on all systems where the TSZ07 is connected to a
KZQSA. For information on running MicroVAX Diagnostic Monitor (MDM) and other external
diagnostics, refer to the TSZ07 Tape Drive Installation Manual.
4.1 Power-on Diagnostics
The power-on diagnostics are ROM-resident tests that verify the integrity of the TSZ07
hardware and firmware at power-up. If the diagnostics detect a fault, a Fault Symptom
Code (FSC) appears in the alphanumeric display (display) located on the control panel.
The power-on diagnostics are initialized when power is applied to the drive using the AC
Power Switch or the ON/OFF Switch. When initialized, the power-on diagnostics begin by
illuminating the front panel indicators and display segments for several seconds. Then the
message TESTING flashes in the display throughout the remainder of the tests. Once the
power-on diagnostics complete successfully, the UNLOAD indicator lights and the message
TESTPASS appears for several seconds in the display.
Normally, the power-on diagnostics are run with the front panel door closed. If the drive
is powered-on with the door open, the message DOOR AJAR appears. Pressing the LOAD
/REWIND and the DENSITY SELECT switches simultaneously, after the DOOR AJAR
message appears, allows the power-on diagnostics to be completed.
Troubleshooting 4–1