Technical data

4. Press switch 1 or 2 to step to the next parameter value (in this case, no).
5. Press switch 3 to enter the parameter value (no), and to return the drive to the Review
6. To save the new setting in nonvolatile memory and exit the service aid, press and hold 5,
and then press 4. The message SAVING appears in the display.
4.5.3 Tape-Loaded Service Aids
The tape-loaded service aids can only be executed with tape loaded in the TSZ07. These
service aids are listed below and described in Sections through
Service Aid 211 (Single-Pass Write/Read Check)
Service Aid 212 (Read/Write Data)
Service Aid 222 (Tape Motion)
Service Aid 223 (Multi-Pass Write/Read Check)
Service Aid 225 (Firmware ID)
Service Aid 242 (Configuration)
Service Aid 244 (Tape Read) Service Aid 211 (Single-Pass Write/Read Check)
When activating Service Aid 211, it enters into its Execution Mode where the following
operations may be performed:
Write 32-kilobyte blocks of data to EOT (the tape reel must have a write-enable ring)
Read reverse to BOT
Read forward to EOT
Rewind tape to BOT
The read operations check for parity, CRC, and channel drop errors. The drive then switches
to the next higher density and performs the same cycle of operations. Once all densities are
tested, the tape rewinds to BOT and a pass or fail message appears in the display. Passing or
failing is primarily determined by logged errors; the test is successful (pass) if no hard errors
are detected in any density.
The number and types of errors that occur while writing and reading the tape are logged by
the drive and can be observed from the status mode.
A poor quality tape with large areas of dropout can cause the test to fail.
While the service aid is in the Execution Mode, the front panel switches function as described
in Table 4–11.
Troubleshooting 4–15