Owner's Manual

Thanks for choosing the DigiTech
FreqOut Natural Feedback Creator pedal. The FreqOut is a
revolutionary pedal that adds dierent feedback harmonics to any guitar signal without coloring the
original tone. Enabling the eect boosts a user-selectable harmonic of the input note, creating controlled,
natural-sounding feedback sustain through any amp or amp modeler at any volume.
The FreqOut has 7 dierent harmonic types to choose from, as well as controls for feedback gain amount
and onset time (the time it takes for feedback to grow to full strength). The LED ladder shows when the
eect is on or o and provides a visual indication of the onset of feedback. The Dry switch determines
whether the dry signal is audible (on) or muted (o), and the Momentary switch allows the footswitch to
operate as a momentary switch (on) or latching switch (o).
Follow these steps to use the FreqOut:
1. Start by settings the GAIN, ONSET, and TYPE knobs to 12 o’clock.
2. Set the MOMENTARY switch to OFF and the DRY switch to ON”.
3. Enable the eect using the EFFECT footswitch—the LED in the middle of the LED ladder will light to
indicate the eect is on.
4. Play a single note on your guitar—the sustain of feedback should become audible. Repeat while
setting the GAIN and ONSET knobs for the desired feedback amount and onset rate.
5. Select the desire harmonic frequency using the TYPE knob. See
“Using The Harmonic Types” on
page 4
for more information.
6. If you wish to create a swell-type eect (reminiscent of an *EBow™), turn the DRY switch o.
Otherwise, leave it on.
7. Set the MOMENTARY switch for the desired EFFECT footswitch operation. See the
callout under
“User Interface on page 2
for more information on MOMENTARY
switch operation.
Controllable, Natural-Sounding Feedback for Electric Guitar
7 Feedback Harmonic Types
Adjustable Feedback Gain & Onset Time Controls
LED Ladder Provides Eect On/O & Feedback Onset Status
Dry On/O Switch
Momentary On/O Footswitch Options
True Bypass
Compact Design
Solid Construction
* EBow is a trademark of Heet Sound Products.