Owner`s manual

The JamMan
Stereo’s guide track has 9 rhythm types to select from. These
range from a simple click metronome to various drum samples as the rhythm
guide (a tempo must be defined and the RHYTHM LEVEL knob must be turned up
to hear the guide track). To change the Rhythm Type, follow these steps:
1. Select a memory location using the SELECT knob.
2. If the memory location is empty (LOOP and SINGLE LEDs are off), set
a tempo using the TEMPO/STOP footswitch. If the memory location
contains a loop (LOOP or SINGLE LED is on), press the REC/PLAY/
footswitch to start playback.
3. Turn up the RHYTHM LEVEL knob to hear the guide track.
4. Enable the SHIFT button and then the RHYTHM TYPE button. The
DISPLAY will now show r5 indicating the default RHYTHM TYPE.
5. Use the SELECT knob to choose your desired rhythm sound
(designated by oF (off), and r1r9 in the DISPLAY). Selecting oF
turns the rhythm sound off even if the RHYTHM LEVEL knob is turned up.
6. Press EXIT.
7. The STORE button will light to indicate this change must be stored if
it is to be recalled later. Press the STORE button twice to store the
changes, if desired.
Rhythm Type
Rhythm Types are:
oF – Off
r1Wood Blocks
r2 – Sticks
r3 – Click
r4Alternative Kick / High Hat
r5 – Studio Kick / High Hat
r6Techno Kick / High Hat
r7 – Cowbell
r8 – Conga
r9 – Tambourine