User Manual

Recording Overdubs
Once a loop has been recorded, the JamMan Solo XT allows you to record multiple
overdubs on top of the loop. Overdub recording is only possible with Loops. Single
Phrases do not allow for overdub recording. If you do wish to add overdubs to a
Single Phrase, you can always convert it to a Loop as described in Setup > Playback
”. Overdubs can be added to a loop at any time.
HINT: If you plan on adding overdubs, it is recommended that you store the loop first, before
adding the overdubs. This will allow you to use the Clear function in the event you ever need to clear
all overdubs and get back to the original loop (see Undo, Redo, & Clear”).
NOTE: If a loop has had the tempo changed, it must first be stored to memory before overdub
recording is allowed. You can either overwrite the loop in the current memory location or copy
the loop to an empty memory location (preferred if you do not want to overwrite the tempo of
the original loop). See Operation > Storing a Loop and “Operation > Copying a Loop” for further