User Manual

Multiple Loop Playback with FS3X
Another great feature of the JamMan Solo XT is its ability to play different loops back
to back during performance using the optional FS3X Footswitch. This lets you play a
verse > chorus > verse > bridge progression seamlessly using three different loops.
To set up multiple loops for verse > chorus > verse > bridge playback:
1. Record the verse loop and store it to
memory location 1.
2. Record the chorus loop and store it
to memory location 2.
3. Record the bridge loop and store it to
memory location 3.
To use these three loops in a performance:
1. Select Loop 1 (verse loop) and press
the <PEDAL SWITCH>. Loop 1 will
begin playing back.
2. To switch to Loop 2 (chorus loop),
press the <UP> footswitch on the
FS3X at least two seconds before
the end of Loop 1. Once Loop 2
is selected, the display will show a
flashing 2, indicating Loop 2 is cued
up to play once Loop 1 finishes. Once
Loop 2 begins playing, the display will
stop flashing.
3. To select Loop 1 again, press the
<DOWN> footswitch on the FS3X.
4. After Loop 1 begins playing again, you
can then select Loop 3 (bridge loop)
by pressing the UP footswitch twice.
The display will show a flashing 3,