1A N-HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder - Manual

© 2014 Digitrax, Inc. www.digitrax.com— 4 —
Digitrax LocoMotion
Your locomotives look like the real thing, now you can make them run like the
real thing, too. Digitrax decoders incorporate torque compensation for smooth
as silk operation. You can also program CVs that control momentum, 3 step and
128 step speed tables, switching speed, normal direction of travel, scalable speed
stabilization and more to take full advantage of the Digitrax LocoMotion System.
Momentum-CV03 & CV04
Momentum is part of the LocoMotion System. Acceleration is controlled by CV03
and deceleration by CV04. Both come from the factory set to 000. A range of 000
to 031 is available for both accel and decel. Try CV03:003 and CV04:000 as a
starting point for experimenting with momentum.
Speed Tables-How the Loco Responds to the Throttle
With Digitrax LocoMotion, there are two types of speed tables: 3 Step Tables and
High Resolution 28 Step Tables. Please see your Decoder Manual for a discussion
of the 28 Step Tables. The 3 Step Tables are set up by programming 3 CVs: Start
Voltage (CV02), Mid point Voltage (CV06) and Max Voltage (CV05). These values
are set at 000 at the factory. All have a range of values from 000 to 255. We rec-
ommend the following CV values as a starting point for experimenting with speed
Loco Type V Start
V Mid
V Max
Concentrated low speed. Limited top
002 038 064
Road Switcher
Prototypical top speed w/evenly
distributed curve from 0 to top speed
002 048 098
Mainline Loco
Quick increase to cruising speed then
levels o to prototypical top speed.
002 128 154