1A N-HO Scale Wired Mobile Decoder - Manual

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Function Outputs on the DN136D
The DN136D is set up at the factory to control three function outputs. The
DN136D is congured to control the forward and reverse lights on the locomo-
tive through the white lead and yellow lead using Function 0 (F0F-forward and
F0R-reverse) for directional lighting. Function F1(Green) is part of the harness
for easy hookup.
All three function outputs can be easily set up with Digitrax FX
lighting eects
or as standard on/o functions with the following operational qualiers:
1. Forward or Reverse direction of travel, or
2. Whether F0 is on or o, or
3. Both direction of travel and whether F0 is on or o, or
4. Whether the locomotive is stopped or moving.
Function Remapping
Function remapping allows you to program the function outputs of your decoder
to be controlled by selected function keys on your throttle. Please consult the
Digitrax Decoder Manual or website for information on function remapping.
Master Light Switch
Each of the three function outputs can be programmed to turn on and o with the
F0 ON/OFF key on your throttle, creating a Master Light Switch. The CV
values for creating this eect are listed in the Digitrax Decoder Manual in the
section: Setting up FX & FX3 Eects On Function Outputs.