Inc Sound Module Decoder - Manual

© 2017 Digitrax, Inc. 39 -
Most common values for CV29:
All Digitrax decoders are shipped with a factory default value of 006 in CV29.
This gives the following characteristics to the decoder: 2 digit address, normal
direction of travel is forward, 28/128 speed step operation, analog mode con-
version ON, loadable speed table OFF.
Programming 007 in CV29 gives the following characteristics to the decoder: 2
digit address, normal direction of travel is reverse, 28/128 speed step operation,
analog mode conversion ON, loadable speed table OFF.
Another commonly used value is 038 in CV29. This sets the decoder to use a
4 digit address, normal direction of travel is forward, 28/128 speed step opera-
tion, analog mode conversion ON, loadable speed table OFF.
A value of 039 programmed into CV29 will set the decoder to use a 4 digit
address, has a normal direction of travel in reverse, operates in advanced
28/128 speed step mode, has analog mode conversion enabled, does not use a
speed table.