Inc Sound Module Decoder - Manual

© 2017 Digitrax, Inc. 48 -
CV56 controls the dynamic compensation or how much the decoder consid-
ers the historical difference between the current speed and the target speed
when determining the next speed command to send to the motor. This set-
ting is like a damper or shock absorber on the spring that helps to restore the
spring to its new position. CV values can range from 000 to 255. Higher values
cause more rapid adaptation to the target speed and lower values cause slower
adaptation to the target speed. The factory default setting for CV56 is 048. It
will have no effect on decoder operation until you program CV57 as described
below. Excessively high CV values programmed to CV56 will tend to let the
locomotive “hunt” around a new desired speed when a change of speed is com-
manded. We recommend that you use the lowest CV value in CV56 that gives
the desired performance.
CV57 controls the amount of back EMF (intensity) or speed loss as load is
increased, by limiting the amount of change or compensation that the decoder
is allowed to implement. CV57 controls the back EMF separately for regular
addresses and advanced consist addresses.
Table VIIIa: CV57 Values To control the amount of Back EMF
Amount of
Back EMF (ap-
Value to add single unit Value to add for
advanced consists
O 00 00
7% 1 16
14% 2 32
20% 3 48
27% 4 64
33% 5 80
40% 6 96
47% 7 112
53% 8 128
60% 9 144
67% 10 160
73% 11 176
80% 12 192
87% 13 208
93% 14 224
100% 15 240
If either digit is 00, speed stabilization is OFF. A value of 015 is speed stabili-