Inc Sound Module Decoder - Manual

© 2017 Digitrax, Inc. 62 -
A 12 or 14 volt lamp run directly without resistors will be less sensitive to volt-
age fluctuations. For regular 12 to 16 volt lamps that draw more than
50 mA when lit, we recommend that you put a 22 to 33 ohm 1/4 watt resistor
in series with the lamp leads. This will ensure that the lamp “start-up cur-
rents” (up to 10 times normal current draw) do not overload the outputs.
To achieve the best results, select an appropriate incandescent lamp and experi-
ment with different resistors and FX settings to get just the right prototypical
lighting effects for your model. To get the best looking “pulse” and “Mars”
type light effects, place the lamp so that it is viewed directly. Lamp end lenses
can intensify and focus the filament image when viewed end-on. Lenses can be
used to create a more intense bright period without having excessive, voltages
on the lamp which can reduce lamp life.
LEDs and incandescent bulbs have inherently different lighting characteristics.
You may find that you prefer one or the other. Since plastic light pipes diffuse
lamp outputs, installations with light pipes will look different from those where
lamps that are directly viewed.
9.10 Setting Up Non-FX Functions
When an FX
decoder output is set up for no FX effect, you can use static
qualifiers to customize the operation of the on/off function of that output.
See the table below to determine the CV value to program for this type of
TABLE XV: Static FX function set up
Static CV
How the Static Function Output Will Work
000 On/O Output controlled by function map
016 On/O Output controlled by function map
032 Forward qualied On/O Output
048 Reverse qualied On/O Output
064 F0 qualied On/O Output (Master Light Switch F0)
080 F0 qualied On/O Output (Master Light Switch F0)
096 F0 On in reverse direction qualied On/O Output
112 F0 On in forward direction qualied On/O Output
160 Speed=0, non-directional qualied On/O Output
176 Speed>0, non-directional qualied On/O Output