Inc Sound Module Decoder - Manual

© 2017 Digitrax, Inc. 66 -
10.0 Decoder Utility CVs
The decoder utility CV group handles decoder reset to factory default CV val-
ues, decoder lock for programming when multiple decoders are present in a
locomotive and decoder ID information.
10.1 Factory Reset CV: 08
CV08 is the factory reset CV for all FX
For Series 3, 4, 5, & 6 decoders, reset all CV values to their factory default,
program CV08 to a value of 008. This will also cause sound projects to revert
to the factory installed project.
For Series 3, 4, & 5 decoders, reset all CV values except for 28 step speed
tables to their factory values set CV08 to a value of 009. For Series 6 sound
decoders, programming CV08 to 009 will also preserve the current sound proj-
ect selected by CV60.
Note: Performing a factory reset will not affect the manufacturer ID and will
reset the decoder’s address to the factory default of 03, a 2 digit address.
10.2 Decoder Lock CV15, CV16 & CV54
Decoder Lock lets you use more than one decoder in a locomotive and be able
to program their CVs separately. Since all decoders with the same address will
accept programming commands directed to that address, decoder lock avoids
the inconvenience of uninstalling one or more of the decoders in order to pro-
gram CVs in just one of the decoders installed in the loco. For example, if you
use a mobile decoder and a sound decoder together in your locomotive, you
can use the same mobile decoder address during operation and when program-
ming you can unlock only the one you want to program.
Note: If you are installing only one decoder in a locomotive, there is no
need to modify the default values of zero in CV15 and CV16.
Decoder Lock is a manufacturer specific CV. The instructions provided here
are for Digitrax decoders. If you are using decoders from another manufactur-
er, please consult your decoder’s instructions for how this feature works with
the decoder you have installed.
CV16 sets the ID number of each decoder installed in the locomotive.
CV16 can be programmed to a value from 0 to 7 inclusive. This value iden-
tifies a single decoder. A unique value must be assigned to each decoder
installed in a particular locomotive so that it can be selectively unlocked for
programming later.