Inc Sound Module Decoder - Manual

© 2017 Digitrax, Inc. 28 -
5.0 Decoder Programming
5.1 What are Configuration Variables (CVs)?
Each Configuration Variable, CV, controls one or more operating character-
istics of the decoder based on the CV value that you program. All Digitrax
decoders come with default settings from the factory that will run “out of the
box.” Before you start programming your decoders, it’s a good idea to run
your decoders with the default values that come pre-programmed from the fac-
tory. This will let you get used to using DCC before you begin customizing. In
many cases, you will find that you only need to change the address of the loco-
motive to have great operation.
Once you are ready to customize, you can pick and choose from among the
CVs and program each one independently. Once these CV values are pro-
grammed, they are “remembered” in the decoder until you reprogram it with
a new value. If you decide to use deceleration, in particular, keep the pro-
grammed CV values small so that you have time to adapt to the delays in
deceleration you have set up without crashing your valuable locomotives! See
the Configuration Variables section below for complete information on how
CVs are used by Digitrax decoders.
5.2 Service Mode and Ops Mode Programming Methods
Digitrax supports two programming methods:
Service Mode Programming is done on an electrically isolated programming
track. In service mode, the command station broadcasts programming infor-
mation to all decoders on the programming track. Direct, paged and physical
register modes are used for service mode programming.
Operations Mode Programming, also called Ops Mode or programming on
the main, is done on the layout by sending programming commands to a spe-
cific locomotive address. To use this mode, you must have decoders that are
capable of operations mode programming.
5.3 Programming Modes
Digitrax Command Stations support direct, operations mode, paged, or physical
register programming methods. This gives you maximum flexibility to program
DCC decoders made by different manufacturers at different times in history.
Direct mode is the most commonly used programming method. Digitrax rec-
ommends using direct mode for programming on the programming track.
Paged mode also gives access to all CVs for programming. Direct and paged
programming appear very similar to the user.