User's Manual

Once the programming is com-
plete and the heaters have been
synchronized, the controller has
built in functions that can add to
the overall exible benets of the
During regular operation, the
temperature setting in each Zone
can be displayed by selecting the
desired Zone.
To see the setting for the next
Day or Event for a particular
Zone, press the corresponding
icon to display the setting and
set time. The setting will remain
displayed for 5 seconds, before
reverting back to the regular oper-
ating screen.
CAUTION: Always press the
icons with a blunt object. Sharp
objects like pen and pencil points
may damage the touch screen.
Set Point Changes
The user has the option at any
time to adjust a particular tem-
perature setting without changing
the main program.
There are two types of tempera-
ture changes that can be used:
1. Temporary or
2. Indenite
Temporary Temperature Changes
If the temperature in a particular