Owner`s manual

Product Name: DOWFROST* HD Heat Transfer Fluid, Dyed Issue Date: 08/12/2010
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6. Accidental Release Measures
Steps to be Taken if Material is Released or Spilled: Small spills: Absorb with materials such as:
Cat litter. Sawdust. Vermiculite. Zorb-allĀ®. Collect in suitable and properly labeled containers. Large
spills: Dike area to contain spill. See Section 13, Disposal Considerations, for additional information.
Personal Precautions: Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the area. Use
appropriate safety equipment. For additional information, refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls and
Personal Protection.
Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/or
groundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information.
7. Handling and Storage
General Handling: No special precautions required. Keep container closed. Spills of these organic
materials on hot fibrous insulations may lead to lowering of the autoignition temperatures possibly
resulting in spontaneous combustion. See Section 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL
Do not store in: Galvanized steel. Opened or unlabeled containers. Store in the following material(s):
Carbon steel. Stainless steel. Store in original unopened container. See Section 10 for more specific
information. Additional storage and handling information on this product may be obtained by calling
your sales or customer service contact.
8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Exposure Limits
Propylene glycol
10 mg/m3
Personal Protection
Eye/Face Protection: Use safety glasses (with side shields).
Skin Protection: Wear clean, body-covering clothing.
Hand protection: Use gloves chemically resistant to this material when prolonged or
frequently repeated contact could occur. Examples of preferred glove barrier materials
include: Butyl rubber. Natural rubber ("latex"). Neoprene. Nitrile/butadiene rubber ("nitrile" or
"NBR"). Polyethylene. Ethyl vinyl alcohol laminate ("EVAL"). Polyvinyl alcohol ("PVA").
Polyvinyl chloride ("PVC" or "vinyl"). NOTICE: The selection of a specific glove for a particular
application and duration of use in a workplace should also take into account all relevant
workplace factors such as, but not limited to: Other chemicals which may be handled, physical
requirements (cut/puncture protection, dexterity, thermal protection), potential body reactions
to glove materials, as well as the instructions/specifications provided by the glove supplier.
Respiratory Protection: Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceed
the exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit requirements
or guidelines, wear respiratory protection when adverse effects, such as respiratory irritation or
discomfort have been experienced, or where indicated by your risk assessment process. In misty
atmospheres, use an approved particulate respirator. The following should be effective types of air-
purifying respirators: Organic vapor cartridge with a particulate pre-filter.
Ingestion: Use good personal hygiene. Do not consume or store food in the work area. Wash hands
before smoking or eating.