Operating instructions

Practical Example: Determination of the Residue in Percent
Menu code settings used in the example:
Function Code
Weighing in percent 2 1 5
Ref. % and ref. weight 7 1 2
With data ID code 7 2 2
Application: Quick determination of the dry weight of a sample
Step/Key ID/Key Readout Data Output
Place container on pan +
122.650 mg
c, t
0.000 mg
Add prepared sample to the container
485.576 mg
REF - F +
100.0 %g
pRef + 100 %
Wxx% + 485.576 mg
Remove container;
dry sample +
xx.x %g
Reweigh sample in container +
76.9 %g
Print percent: p +
76.9 %g
Prc + 76.9 %
Toggle to residual weight
readout: w +
373.465 mg
Print weight p +
373.465 mg
N + 373.465 mg
The data ID codes mean:
pRef + 100 % reference percentage
Wxx% + 485.576 mg net reference weight xx%
Prc + 76.9 % calculated percentage
N + 373.465 mg net residual weight
As an alternative, you can select this
Reference weight only 7 1 3