Operating instructions

Error Codes for the Application Programs
These error codes enable you to identify any operator errors that occur.
Readout Meaning Reason/Solution
Err 10 The t key is blocked The tare functions are interlocked with
when the tare memory has respect to each other. To release the
a value stored. t key, clear the tare memory of
the particular function key (press c).
Err 11 By pressing TAR - f, The readout was negative, for example –
you tried to store a value not check the sample on the pan.
allowed in the tare memory.
Err 12 The value you tried to store in Check the sample or container
the tare memory exceeds
the weighing capacity or
range limit of the balance.
Err 20 The w key was pressed For weighing in percent, a reference
before an application percentage was not yet stored, for
program was started. example.
Err 21 The menu code for the Code 2 3 1 is selected in the
reference percentage or balance operating menu.
reference sample quantity Change it to 2 3 2 or 2 3 3.
is blocked.
Err 22 Error during storage of the The weight is too light or a sample
reference for weighing in is not on the weighing pan.
percent or counting
Err 23 Error during storage while any A sample is not on the weighing pan
application program was run or the readout has a negative sign.
Err 62 f was pressed at the Follow proper work procedure.
wrong time.
Err 63 You may not press the F key. Follow proper work procedure.
Err 64 You may not make an entry Follow proper work procedure.
using the numeric keys.
Err 70 Incorrect numeric entry Enter a number within the capacity
of your balance.