Operating instructions

“Control Error”
The control code for “control error” is output if the draft shield door has not reached
the selected position after one attempt (for mechanical reasons).
yyy = Turning Angle of the Draft Shield
The movements of the motorized draft shield
door are output as a 3-place decimal number
with a position readout. The readout 000 to
approx. 360 corresponds to the absolute,
counterclockwise position 0° to 360°.
Example: W 008210
Turning Angle
The draft shield door has opened to the
absolute position 21.
Control Codes
0 Bit 6 – motorized draft shield operation
+0 Bit 4 – open draft shield
+8 Bit 3 – “self-teaching” function on
+0 Bit 1 – draft shield motor off
+0 Bit 0 – no control error