Operating instructions

Application Programs 3– 1
Functions Common to
All Programs 3– 3
c Key 3 3
Information and Printouts
or Data Transfer 3 4
Data ID Code K* or NUM 3 4
“EUREKA” Air Buoyancy
Correction Program 3– 5
Differential Weighing and
Backweighing 3–14
Weighing Sequence 315
Selecting the Memories 317
Key Functions 318
Clearing the Memory 331
Density 3–34
Diameter Determination 3–42
Tare Memory 3–44
Weighing in Percent 3–47
Over/Under Checkweighing 3–51
Counting 3–55
Error Codes 3–59
Interface Description 4– 1
Pin Assignment Chart 419
Cabling Diagrams 420
Specifications 5– 1
English Translation of the
EC Type-Approval Certificate
for MC 5-0CE 5 6
Accessories (Options) 5– 7
Declarations of Conformity 6– 1
Index 7– 1
Brief Operating Instructions