User manual

Recording Future Programs
A timer is your instruction telling the satellite receiver the programs you want to view in the
future. For most Digital Video Recorder (DVR) timers, you select a specific program on a
specific channel and tell the satellite receiver how often you want to record that program to
your external hard drive.
DVR recordings are listed in the My Recordings screen, which you can
find quickly by pressing the remote control’s DVR button.
Timer Types
There are four types of timers:
•DVR—Records an event onto your external hard drive for later viewing.
Auto Tune—Automatically changes the channel for live viewing of the event.
Reminder—Creates an on-screen reminder when the event is about to air.
•Ext—Automatically changes the channel for live viewing of the event and sends
commands to an external device connected to your RCA-type outputs.
Note: To use the Ext timer, you must enable it. On your remote control, press
MENU, select System Setup, select Installation, select TV Enhancement,
select ERD Setup, and select Enable Recording to an External Device.
Timer Frequency
Deciding how often you want to watch a program helps you make the best choice:
All Episodes—Records each time that program is on that channel.
New Episodes—Records current season programs each time they occur on that
•Once—Records a program or event once (good for movies, sporting events, etc.).
Weekly—Records a program once a week, at that time, on that channel.
Daily—Records a program once a day, at that time, on that channel.
•Mon-Fri—Records a program once a day, Monday through Friday, at the selected
time, on that channel.
•DishPASS—Records programs on all channels (by default) or a specific channel,
based on your specific criteria. See page 16 for details.
Timer Priorities
Priorities are used by the receiver to know which program you would prefer to record, if
multiple timers are scheduled to start at the same time. For example, having two satellite
TV programs scheduled to record at the same time cannot be done on your satellite
receiver; therefore, the receiver records only the program with the highest priority.
All timers have a priority that you can change at any time.
The larger the number, the lower priority (for example, priority 1 is higher than
priorities 2, 3, and 4).