User guide

6 NiTek Dive Computer User Manual
This information has been developed for your safety. Please read
and understand this manual completely before using your NiTek
dive computer.
Important safety information:
Before using your NiTek, it is extremely important that you
read the following pointsas well as similar warning and
caution notices that appear throughout this manual. Failure
to do so could result in damage to or loss of equipment,
serious personal injury, or death.
The NiTek is designed for use by certified divers who have
maintained a sufficient level of knowledge and skill
proficiency through a combination of formal training,
ongoing study, and experience. It is not intended for use by
persons who lack these qualifications and thus, may not be
able to identify, assess, and manage the risks scuba diving
entails. Use of the NiTek in conjunction with Enriched Air
Nitrox (EANx) requires that divers be trained and certified
for Nitrox diving.
The NiTek is not intended for use by commercial or military
divers whose activities may take them beyond the commonly
accepted depth limits for recreational or technical diving.
Although the NiTek is capable of calculating decompression
stop requirements, users must remember that dives requiring
mandatory stage decompression carry substantially greater
risk than dives made well within no-decompression limits.
The NiTek is designed for use by one diver at a time. Divers
should not share a single NiTekor any other dive
computeron the same dive. Additionally, no diver should
lend their NiTek to anyone else until it calculates that no
measurable residual nitrogen remains after previous dives
and no longer displays the “desaturation time” indicator
while in time mode. Further, no diver should use their NiTek
for repetitive divesunless that same properly functioning
NiTek has accompanied them on all previous dives in the
same repetitive dive series and is thus, accurately monitoring
the diver’s total exposure to oxygen and nitrogen.