User guide

Using the NiTek
NiTek Dive Computer User Manual 19
Dive mode
Dive mode is automatically entered when the computer enters
the water. It begins performing its dive calculations once you
descend below 5 feet (1.5 meters).
Caution: Prior to diving, always check to ensure that the FO2
setting is correct and that the computer is not in FO2 default.
While in dive mode, the computer calculates and displays
information about your dive and prompts you with safety stop
information and warnings if needed.
While underwater, there are two screens you can toggle between.
Primary underwater screen
When you enter the water, the primary screen shows your depth,
max depth, remaining no-decompression limit, dive time, PO2,
and nitrogen and oxygen bar graphs.
(1) Remaining no-decompression limit (NDL): This is the time
that is remaining (in minutes) before you reach the no-
decompression limit. This NDL time limit increases when you
ascend and decreases when you descend.
(2) Dive time: This is the time spent (in minutes) underwater,
measured from the time you descended below 5 feet (1.5 meters).
(3) Oxygen bar graph: This is the oxygen limit index (OLI) that
calculates the cumulative effect of your exposure to elevated
partial pressures of oxygen (PO2s). There are a maximum of
eight bars. When all bars are displayed, it means that you have