Installation Guide

AIMS Fast-Scan Radar v3.22 Installation and Operations Manual
DMT, LLC • DMT-M200-311 • 08/2009
4.3.2 Cameras
The standard AIMS camera controls
provide functionality for connecting to a camera’s pan/tilt
device (via either serial port or TCPIP connection), sending pointing commands to that device,
and displaying the video feed from the associated camera. The connection details required for
accomplishing these tasks are determined by the camera “type” selected and the setup parameters
entered in the Camera Setup control boxes, as described later. Note that the camera type
selection will automatically set the proper communications protocol for that camera.
There are two separate cameras defined and controlled by each AIMS Radar, referred to as
Camera 1 and Camera 2 throughout the Radar and Client programs. All camera commands
generated by either the Client program or the Radar program are directed to one or both of these
cameras depending on selections made by the user. Note that these camera designations
(Camera 1 and Camera 2) actually represent a camera type and a communications path for that
camera. For example, Camera 1 (or Camera 2) represents a single camera type (i.e., DI5000,
SentryII, PelcoD, etc.) connected to a camera controller through a TCPIP or serial port
connection. For a serial port connection, Camera 1 (or Camera 2) may actually represent
multiple cameras connected in a daisy-chain arrangement.
In this case, each individual camera
in Camera 1is addressed by a second parameter (Camera Address) which is selectable on the
Radar or Client control panels. Camera Setup
The camera setup is performed by entering the appropriate information in the Camera 1 or
Camera 2 setup box located on the Camera Setup tab on the Radar program’s control panel.
Normally, this setup is performed only once, and is automatically restored on subsequent starts
of the AIMS Radar program as described later.
Note in the figure (below) the Camera Setup tab page on the Radar program control panel with
no selections made for either Camera 1 or Camera 2 (the default setup state).
Pelco D protocol Vers 2 Rev 1 for PelcoD, and ICD-TASS-001 for SentryII.
This is the control arrangement for the Pelco cameras in the EA-System configuration. Camera 1 is the pathway
used to communicate with any one of the four of the Pelco cameras.