Operation Manual

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Hidden Recording
• Press the
button while the recorder is stopped to select the
desired folder.
When it is in Hidden Recording mode, the red record/play indi-
cator light will not be activated while recording. Point the Built-in
microphone toward the sound source.
To pause recording, press the button . The record/play indica-
tor will not blink and PAUSE will fl ash on the display.
• Press the
, button again to resume recording.
To stop recording, press the STOP/DEL button.
The recording fi le will be saved on H folder of VOICE direc-
tory and it is set to read-only automatically which means it
locks the current voice fi le to prevent it from being erased.
Locking a fi le keeps important data from being acciden-
tally erased when you choose to erase all fi les from a
folder. Please select Off to unlock the fi le and allows it to
be erased.
When it is in Hidden Recording mode, the current settings
will be ignored such as LED blinking, LCD screen, beep
sound and so on due to private recording.
dnt does not take any legal responsibility for this feature.