
DOEPFER System A-100 8. Module Overview
Module Width Curr. Curr.@5V Description
A-108 12 40 -
6/12/24/48 dB Low Pass / Band Pass
voltage controlled low pass (ladder type) with 4 different slopes and bandpass
A-109 20 40 -
Voltage Controlled Signal Processor
combination of 24 dB low pass, VCA and panning unit (CEM3379 based)
A-110 10 70 -
VCO (Standard)
voltage controlled Oscillator with 4 different waveforms, hard-sync input
A-111-1 14 40 -
VCO (High End)
like A-110 but improved waveforms, linear FM input, soft-sync input
A-111-5 26 80 -
Synthesizer Voice
miniature synthesizer voice with VCO, VCF, VCA, ADSR and two LFOs
A-112 10 50 -
8 bit sampler and wavetable oscillator
A-113 26 30 100
Submarmonic Generator
Sound Generation unit as used in the so-called Trautonium (4 subharmonic oscillators)
A-114 440 -
Dual Ring Modulator
2 separate ring modulators
A-115 820 -
Audio Divider
frequency divider for audio signals (rectangle waveforms)
A-116 820 -
WP - VC Waveform Processor
module for dynamic waveform modification
A-117 820 -
DNG / 808 - Digital Noise / Random Clock / 808-Source
digital noise and clock generator, 808-like sound source
A-118 820 -
Noise / Random
analog noise generator with white and adjustable colored noise, random voltage
A-119 830 -
External Input / Envelope Follower
Input module for external audio signals, includes envelope follower and gate generator
A-120 830 -
VCF 1 - 24 dB Low Pass 1
voltage controlled 24 dB low pass (Moog type)