
About this manual
This user manual describes the A-100 modular synthe-
sizer system, and explains how to use each section of
If this is your first time using the A-100, please
make sure you are familiar with all the safety in-
structions (eg. pages ii - iv) and important notes
(chapter 1).
Because of the modular nature of the A-100, this
manual is also designed to be modular.
Chapter 2 (Overall design) describes the physical
make-up of the system - and particularly how to install
the individual modules into the 19” rack.
Chapter 3 (The A-100 signal flow) details the A-100’s
signal path: the basic principles of voltage control, how
to bring MIDI into the equation, and the possibilities for
voltage-controlled modulation.
Chapter 4 describes the A-100 Basic System.
Chapter 5 details accessories.
Chapter 6 explains the standard items included.
Chapter 7 suggests further reading.
Chapter 8 (Module overview) gives a run-down of the
individual modules presently available, and an idea of
their potential uses.
Chapter 9 (Appendix) deals with installing an extra 5V
power supply, for modules such as the A-190 and
Detailed descriptions of the individual modules fol-
low, in self-contained chapters, with descriptions,
user examples, and patching aids. When buying indi-
vidual modules, the relevant manual chapters which
are included should be inserted into this ring binder.
In the manual, you’ll find various symbols used:
important user and safety advice
... diagram numbering of module controls
... diagram numbering of module in / outputs
next step in a list of instructions
practical hint or tip
System A - 100 About this manual