
DOEPFER System A-100 Synthesizer Voice A-111-5
Jumper Overview
Name Function Explanation Factory default
JP1 A-100 Bus Bus connection
bus cable
JP2 CV Bus Connects the CV line of the A-100 bus to the VCO frequency control
voltage input (in addition to the VCO F socket)
JP3 Gate bus Connects the Gate line of the A-100 bus to the switching contact of the
ADSR Gate socket
JP4 VCO tune range Adjusts the range of the VCO tune control:
Installed Æ tune range ~ six octaves
Installed Æ tune range ~ one octave
not installed
(connected to one
pin only)
JP5 Audio Æ Bus/+5V Connects the audio output to +5V line (!) of the A-100 bus
Can be used only for special applications and if the +5V line of the A-100
bus board is unused. Otherwised problems will occur.
not installed
JP6 Relation VCO/ext. signal Adjusts the loudness relation of the internal VCO and the external audio
installed Æ VCO only
not installed Æ VCO and external signal with same level
(one pin only)
JP7 Inverter input Connects LFO1 output to the internal inverter
upper pin = LFO1 out / lower pin = inverter input
JP8 Inverter output Connects the output of the internal inverter to the socket LFO1
The factory default is inverted LFO1, the inverter can be used for other
applications too (e.g. inverted ADSR or LFO2 output in combination with
JP9 or JP10, or direct output of LFO1 or LFO2 without inverting)
left pin = socket labelled "LFO1" (via 1k protection resistor)
right pin = inverter output
JP9 ADSR out Internal ADSR output - (single pin)
JP10 LFO2 out Internal LFO2 output - (single pin)
JP11 VCF tracking source Selects the CV source for VCF tracking (can be turned on / off / half by
means of the Track switch):
Upper position: VCF tracking controlled by the CV line of the A-100 bus
Lower position: VCF tracking controlled by the VCO F socket
(lower position)
JP12 CV Bus to VCF Connects the CV line of the A-100 bus to the switching contact the VCF F
not installed