Owner's Manual

Fully charge the PATHFINDER GPS connector and GPS receiver before the first
use. The PATHFINDER uses lithium polymer batteries.
Only use official Dogtra chargers with the PATHFINDER.
Do not charge the PATHFINDER near flammable substances.
Fully charge the PATHFINDER if storing for 1 month or longer.
When to Charge
When the LED is red on the GPS connector or GPS receiver.
When the PATHFINDER app displays a low battery percentage for the GPS
connector or GPS receiver.
When the LED on the transmitter or receiver will not come on.
When the indicator light turns on momentarily, but will not stay on when the
Constant button is pushed.
How to Charge
1. Connect the charger to the GPS connector and GPS receiver using the splitter
2. Plug the charger into a 120-volt outlet.
3. When fully charged, detach the cables and plug the rubber caps over the
charging ports on the GPS connector and GPS receiver.
4. The GPS receiver turns off and cannot be used while charging. The GPS
connector functions while being charged. The LED will display red while
charging and green when the unit is fully charged. The GPS connector LED
will be green when turned on while charging. A depleted battery requires 3.5
hours to fully charge.
GPS Receiver
The LED on the GPS receiver blinks
while turned on, and the LED colors
represents the battery life: Green when
50-100% battery, Orange when 10-50%
battery, Red when 0-10% battery.
GPS Connector
Power: The Power LED blinks every 2
seconds while turned on. The LED colors
represents the battery life: Green when
50-100% battery, Orange when 10-50%
battery, Red when 0-10% battery.
Phone: When turned on, press the
Select button to set the GPS connector
to Phone. When set to Phone, a green
LED will stay on. Hold down the
Connect button until the LED blinks
rapidly to place the GPS connector into
pairing mode.
Collar: When turned on, press the Select button to set the GPS connector to
Collar. When set to Collar, a green LED will stay on. Hold down the Connect
button until the LED blinks rapidly to place the GPS connector into pairing mode.
Splitter Cable
Do not use more than one splitter cable with a single battery charger.