User Manual

General Training Considerations
Your Dog’s Response To Stimulation
Stimulation (the correction from the dog’s collar) has been a safe and effective
part of dog training for over forty years. All dogs respond differently when they
feel a mild stimulation. Some dogs may demonstrate little, if any, reaction, while
others may yelp or jump back. Some dogs “freeze”.
We recommend using the lowest effective correction level.
Do not try to comfort the dog if he receives correction or it will reinforce his anxiety.
Dog Personalities and Traits
Keep in mind that a dog’s personality and traits differ among and even within
breeds. Dogs may not exhibit the same personalities and traits within the same
A gregarious or easily distract dog may take longer to train. The better you know
your dog, the easier the training will be for both of you!
Creating The Right Environment
Attitude and Consistency are Important!
1. Keep the training “light”. Use lots of praise. Keep the dog’s spirits high.
2. Use high happy tones for praise. Use low tones for negative commands.
3. In the early stages, limit the training session to no more than 20 minutes.
4. Keep training consistent.
Proper techniques are essential for successful training. If you have any questions
about training your dog, especially during the first few weeks, or if you have questions
about your dog’s behavior during his training sessions, please contact our Customer
Service Department at 1-800-793-3436 (M-F, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST).